November 19th Update from Mr. Borkowski


Here are some important reminders for the days ahead…

1) Parent/Teacher Interviews

Most parents have already signed up for Parent/Teacher interviews but some have not. The deadline for signing up will be 9pm on Sunday, November 22. If you still need to sign up, please visit and enter event code “rajms”.

2) Professional Days

Friday, November 20th is a Professional Day so there will be no regular classes. Staff will be involved in an online seminar with all Surrey and Delta Catholic Schools on the topic “Trauma Informed Practice for Educators and Caregivers.” A very timely topic indeed!

3) Blanket Drive

Yesterday you should have received an email about our blanket drive. Please bring all your contributions to the school on Monday from 8:30– 9:30 a.m.  and   2:30-3:30 p.m.

4) COVID Safety Reminders

Please continue to be diligent when it comes to COVID safety. We are doing our part here at school by keeping cohorts separate, washing our hands regularly, and wearing masks as needed. Please be sure to do daily health checks and never send your child to school when they are sick.

Have an amazing weekend! Take a break from watching the news and enjoy the time with your family!


Mr. Jason Borkowski


AnnouncementsJason Borkowski