Moving Forward - Understanding Anxiety Parent Workshop Part 2 - April 17 at 7pm

Join us on April 17 at 7 pm for Part 2 of the Understanding Anxiety Series with counsellor Lindsay Sealey

Meeting ID: 891 4878 0207

Are your kids…

  • Stressed and anxious?

  • Always on their screens?

  • Overwhelmed by big feelings like worry and anger?

  • Trapped in negative thoughts like “I can’t”?

  • Unmotivated?

  • Chronically tired?

  • Struggling with friendships?

  • Scattered and unfocused?

Research tells us that kids today experience:

  • Falling IQ’s

  • Mental health concerns

  • Struggles with antisocial behaviour

  • Screen addiction

  • A decline in self-confidence and self-esteem

  • Cognitive challenges with focus, attention, memory, and concentration

These are the problems. What is the solution?


Why? Research also tells us that kids are wired to move, and movement is the key to improving health and happiness.

This parent presentation will teach you how to use the power of movement with your kids: moving their bodies for better focus, attention, and thinking; moving through difficult feelings to find calm; and moving their thoughts from stuck and stagnant to potential and possibility! RSVP HERE

AnnouncementsJulie Gat