Kindergarten January News

Highlights of Our Learning

At this point in the school year, the pace of our learning begins to accelerate. The students have demonstrated their readiness for challenge and we are excited to provide them with the opportunity to achieve their potential.

Sight Words

To further develop reading skills, we will be focussing on learning the first 25 words from the FRY sight word list. The FRY sight words are a list of the most commonly appearing words in children’s text, many of which cannot necessarily be read by ‘sounding-out’ and must be memorized. Reading sight words with automaticity, when combined with solid phonic skills, can help students achieve reading fluency sooner.

Please click the link to download a copy of the list of 25 and suggestions for meaningful home learning. We will actively work on learning these words in class, but home practice will be invaluable to your child’s success as a reader.

When you believe that your child has mastered these first 25, please write a note in their planner. We will assess at school and provide the next 25 words for practice if they are ready for additional challenge. 

Fry Words Resources

Fry 25 and suggestions for home learning

Fry First 100 words and downloadable flashcards

Continuity of Learning

In the event that your child stays home for several days due to illness or Covid-related reason, we will be collecting missed school-work, which can be completed at home. These packages of work will be available on Fridays for those who wish to take them home to work on them. Please contact your child’s teacher if you require this, and we will leave the package for you at the front office.

In the event that our class must pivot to home-learning because of class or school closure, we have prepared home learning packages (which will be distributed should we need them). This package contains some math and literacy activities as well as a QR code to be able to access Seesaw, a digital portfolio and learning tool that we will use to post interactive assignments to enrich learning. More details about this will be communicated via email when needed. For now, we will continue to pray for the health and wellness of all our staff and students.

Masks in the Classroom

Please continue to send your child with a few masks to school each day so that they can put on a fresh mask if theirs becomes soiled.


Please remember to send water bottles to school each day, as well as any utensils your child might require for their lunch.

Julie Gat