Kindergarten December News

This month we are learning about:

  • Advent

  • Christmas

  • Christmas traditions around the world

  • Then and Now (life long ago in comparison to the present)

  • Patterns

Important Dates in December

December 4th- Last day for chocolate and/or candy donations for seniors.

December 6th - Hot Lunch - White Spot

December 8th - School Mass at 9:15 - All welcome

-Student Self-Reflections go home

December 11th - Kindergarten Christmas Craft Centres (1:00-3:00)

December 13th - Christmas Colours Dress Down Day

December 19th - Christmas Play Dress Rehearsal

December 20th - Christmas Play 1:00 Performance (tickets required)

December 21st - Christmas Play 1:00 and 7:00 Performance (tickets required)

December 22nd - Last day before Christmas Break - Noon Dismissal

Christmas Play

Kindergarten will be expected to wear their “Christmas Best” clothing for all performances. Please send your child to school wearing this on December 19th, 20th and 21st. While others classes may change back into their uniforms on these days, Kindergarten will remain in their concert clothing for the entire day.

Reserve your tickets to the Christmas Play HERE

Christmas Craft Centres

Christmas is quickly approaching and one of our special Kindergarten activities is Christmas Craft Centres. This will be taking place on Monday, December 11th from 1:00 - 3:00.  In order to ensure things run smoothly, we will need some parent volunteers to help us.  If the school has already received your Criminal Record Check and you are available to help us, please email your child’s teacher as soon as possible.  We will need 7 parents from each class.

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