June Kindergarten Newsletter

Important Upcoming Dates

June 6 - Family BBQ

June 7 - No School - Pro-D Day

June 12 - Hot lunch - White Spot

June 13 - Kindergarten Fishing Fieldtrip

June 21 - Fun Day (noon dismissal)

June 24 - Kindergarten Year-End Party (in school)

June 26 - Last Day of School, 9:00am Mass and 11:00am dismissal

Fishing Field Trip: Permissions Forms Needed

Our fishing trip is quickly approaching and we are so happy to have many parents able to come. We are still waiting for permissions forms to be submitted. Please do so as soon as possible so necessary arrangements can be made. Click here to submit your permission form.

Fun Day

Friday, June 21st is our Fun Day. Students will be divided into four colour groups and are encouraged to wear the colour of their group. More details regarding Fun Day to follow in school newsletter. Your child’s colour group will be emailed to you by their classroom teacher.

Kindergarten Year End Party

We will be celebrating our kindergarten year end party on Monday, June 24th here at school. We will be doing many outdoor activities including some water fun. Lunch will be provided. More details to follow.

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