June Kindergarten Newsletter

Important Upcoming Dates

June 1 - AGM & Family BBQ

June 2 - Freezie Friday

June 5 - Non-uniform day ($2 for Chalice)

June 9 - Freezie Friday

June 14 - Hot lunch - Subway

June 15 - Kindergarten Fishing Fieldtrip

June 16 - Fun Day (noon dismissal), Freezie Friday

June 21 - Kindergarten Year-End Party (in school)

June 23 - No School (Pro-D Day)

June 28 - Last Day of School, 9:00am Mass and 11:00am dismissal

Fun Day

June 16th is our Fun Day. Students will be divided into four colour groups and are encouraged to wear the colour of their group. More details regarding Fun Day to follow in school newsletter. Please see your child’s colour group below.

Library Books

Monday, June 5th will be our last day to take out books from the library.  To date, we have some outstanding books.  Look for a slip in your child’s planner with names of books to be returned no later than June 15th.

Fishing Field Trip, Thursday June 15

We are looking forward to our Fishing Field Trip.  Permission slips were sent home in your child’s planner this week.   We are hoping that many Dads will be able to attend but Moms are most certainly welcome.  The children will need lots of help with fishing, so the more parents the better. Please ensure your driver’s authorization is up to date and you have completed the criminal record check.

Summer Weather

Now that our summer weather has arrived, we will be spending more time outdoors.  Please make sure your child is protected from the sun with sunscreen, hats and a water bottle.

Year End Celebration, Wednesday June 21

We will be celebrating the end of our year with a class party at school.  Details to follow.

Joey Cristiano