Information on School Closures

With snow falling and forecasts calling for accumulations overnight, it is a good time to revisit our protocols for school closures.

A decision will be made and announced by 7am if the school is to be closed

The announcement will be made 3 ways:

1) a banner on the home page of the school website

2) an email to all school families

3) a post on the school’s Instagram page

If the school is open, parents must make their own decision regarding whether or not it is personally safe to travel to school. Some isolated areas or even streets may be impassable, while the majority of areas are safe. Please do not feel pressured to come to school if you feel it is unsafe for you.

Tomorrow is a hot lunch day. If school is closed due to snow, our vendor has agreed to move the hot lunch day to Thursday.

AnnouncementsJason Borkowski