Important Message Regarding This Year's Parent Participation Program

Families of Star of the Sea School,

We have been very blessed to experience our school’s smooth and safe operation during this challenging, unprecedented time. We recognize that this is in part due to the hard work and dedication of families who have willingly carried out their PPP duties. Whether it be in supervision, maintenance, gala or other equally valuable areas that have been able to continue, their commitment has made our school successful. We wish to take this opportunity to extend our sincere gratitude to the families that are committed to completing their PPP roles this year. 

For families who selected the pay in lieu option, please note that the auto withdrawal will be on March 1, 2021.

Cheques will not be cashed for those families who had intended to participate but were unable to fulfill their required PPP hours due to Covid-19 restrictions. We encourage families to volunteer in their community and if you are looking for ways to volunteer at the school, please let us know and we will connect you with opportunities as they arise. 

As always, thank you for your continued support of Star of the Sea School. If you have questions, please contact us at


Star of the Sea Parish Education Committee

AnnouncementsJason Borkowski