Help Us Tell Our Star of the Sea Story with Google Reviews

Parents and Friends of Star of the Sea School,

I don’t know about you, but I rarely buy anything new without first reading online reviews.

What restaurant to dine in (or, this year, order take-out from)...

What hotel to stay at (someday)...

What smartphone to upgrade to...

What vehicle to purchase…

… So it should come as no surprise that people leave, and consider, online reviews when it comes to investing in their children’s education.

At Star of the Sea, we’re proud of the learning environment we’ve created, and the experience we deliver to families of our community. At the same time, we appreciate honest, constructive feedback so we can learn, and improve.

As part of our ongoing investment in our new website and email system to improve the quality of communications with families in our community, we performed an audit of our school’s entry on Google.

Most were fair, and constructive - be they positive or negative.  Sadly, a few were neither constructive nor fair.

As we head into registration season in January, I’d love our Google Reviews to be an honest and accurate representation of the Star of the Sea experience.

We have space in several grades and want to fill those spaces so we can fulfill our mission to educate, evangelize, and form well-rounded citizens.  Taking two minutes to leave a positive review is an easy yet powerful way to help us accomplish our mission. You can help us reach families like your own who are looking for their child’s next school.

In the words of Mariah Carey’s Christmas hit, “All I Want for Christmas is You (to leave a positive review on Google).” If we reach 150 positive reviews by Christmas, I will post a video of myself doing my best Mariah Carey impression, wearing my best Christmas sweater.

If that motivates you, great! If not, please leave us a positive review anyways!

Click here to leave a Google review for Star of the Sea School.


Mr. Jason Borkowski
