Grade One Weekly News


November 16th - November 20th

Dear Grade One parents,

The last couple of weeks week we have been remembering those who have passed away, especially on All Souls Day. We have also been thinking about our community of Saints as we celebrated All Saints Day. Our class Saint for November is Saint Martin. Please feel free to read about his life of servitude with your children.

This last week we have focused on Remembrance Day. We have been talking about everyone who keeps our country peaceful and safe. We have read stories about animals that went to war and we even found out that a teddy bear fought in the Great War!

This week we are beginning our new theme of animals and their behaviours. We are looking at what it means to be alive and sorting living things and non-living things. In math, we are beginning our addition unit focusing mainly on addition using dice and dominoes. In Christian Ed, we are learning about Jesus as a Storyteller who told parables to teach people about God.

We hope you have a great week!

Don't Forget.jpeg

Monday 16th - Gym Strip all day

Wednesday 18th - Gym Strip all day

Thursday 19th - Sight Word Booklets due back - Photo re-takes

Friday 20th - Pro-D Day ~ No School

Jacqui Thomson