Grade 4A December

Grade 4A ~ December News

Dear Parents,

We enjoyed speaking with you last week in our phone conversations. It is always good to learn about our students from your perspective! We thought we would send you a quick update on dates and information so that you have it all in one place for the last two weeks of December.

Monday Dec. 7 - Please have your child bring a mason jar or glass jar to school 

                             for a Christmas project

Tuesday Dec. 8 - Class Christmas Song being filmed at church

  • students to come in full uniform (not PE strip) looking their best, just bring runners for gym class

Wednesday Dec. 9 - School Dress Down Day - Christmas Colours

  • Cash donations accepted for Food Bank

Friday Dec. 11 - Student Self-Reflection sheet coming home

  • It is your child’s turn to fill out a formal document on their own learning, this document will be stapled into your child’s planner and will be copied for their file

  • Please note that this is your child’s words and reflections, spelling support will be given but not corrected in every way so that you get a sense of where your child is now on their own learning journey

Friday Dec. 18 - last day of school before holidays - dismissal 12:00

  • All students will be taking home ALL their belongings/texts as well as an emergency learning envelope which will provide one week’s worth of work in case the schools are asked to close. Please do not open these envelopes unless needed. This work will allow students to keep working while online learning needs are met for the start of online learning. 

  • ** Transitional students may pick up their emergency learning envelope on Dec. 17th during the day **

Update on Grade 4 learning:

  • We are switching now from Science focus to Socials Studies with the study of the Fur Trade

  • Math -  we are continuing to develop our speed with multiplication facts and working on multiplying 2 digit by 1 digit with and without regrouping

  • Christian Ed. - ongoing learning of both Advent and our faith journey

  • Writing - students are learning the writing process while writing a Christmas story

  • Reading - individual novel studies are continuing with chapter summaries  

We hope this quick update keeps you informed and connected. Please continue to check your child’s planner daily as we are working on their personal responsibility with communicating to you as well. 

Thank you all for your ongoing support for both of us as we work with your delightful children. We have enjoyed getting to know them all and we wish all of you a Blessed Christmas holiday. Please stay safe and healthy and we pray that we will see all of you the first week back in January.

God Bless, 

Mrs. Miriam Campagne and Mrs. Rachelle Eggertson

Miriam Campagne