Grade 3A Meet the Teacher Info.

Star of the Sea Catholic School

Mr. Mak - Grade 3A

Meet the Teacher Info

September 2020  

New Curriculum Big Ideas:

First Term:

Click the BREAKING NEWS link to meet Mr. Mak ————->

Core Competency Focus: Communication and Positive Identity

        • Social Studies: Learning about communities and indigenous peoples nurtures multicultural awareness and respect for diversity.

        • Science: All matter is made up of particles. We explore how those particles interact and exist in various states.

        • Math: A) We use patterns to represent identified regularities and to form generalizations: the regular change in increasing and decreasing patterns can be identified B) Developing computational fluency comes from strong sense of number.

        • Language Arts: Language and stories can be a source of creativity and joy. Stories can help us learn about ourselves, our families and our communities (Class Novel Study/Guided Reading Groups). Everyone can be a reader and a writer. Listening and speaking helps us to explore, share and develop our ideas.


Second Term:

Care Competency Focus: Critical and Creative Thinking

        • Social Studies: Indigenous knowledge is passed down through oral history, traditions and collective memory.

        • Science: Wind, water and ice change the shape of the land.

        • Math: A) Developing computational fluency comes from strong sense of number. B) Describe, measure and compare spatial relationships: standard units are used to measure attributes of object shapes.

        • Language Arts: Everyone can be a reader and a writer (Independent Novel Study). Readers use strategies to make sense of what they read, hear and view. Listening and speaking helps us to explore, share and develop our ideas.


                   Third Term:

Core Competency Focus: Social Responsibility

·       Social Studies: Indigenous societies throughout the world value the well-being of the self, the land, spirits and ancestors.

·       Science: Thermal energy can be produced and transferred. Living things are diverse, can be grouped and interact in their ecosystems.

        • Math: A) Developing computational fluency comes from strong sense of number. B) Number represents and describes quantity: parts of wholes can be represented by fractions. C) Analyzing data and chance help us to compare and interpret: the likelihood of possible outcomes can be examined.

        • Language Arts: Language Arts: A) Everyone can be a reader and a writer. B) Listening and speaking helps us to explore, share and develop our ideas. C) Using language in creative and playful ways helps us understand how language works. D) Readers use strategies to make sense of what they read, hear and view.

**Please go on-line to to view and see the New Curriculum and see how we are building student success.**



Website Communication:

Reminders, project information, learning ideas, and other useful information will be posted at our class website as it becomes pertinent.  There are also websites listed with useful learning games, both printable and online. 



Please sign your child's planner every day. This helps to show the children that the planner is a valuable communication tool and that consistency is important.  Your child will be expected to write down all the information on their own this year. If they have extra-curricular events, etc. they can fill these in as well. Please leave the lined spaces for your child to write down information and if you require more room to communicate something to me - please staple a note to the planner, or email if possible. Often students have difficulty writing their work down when there is no room or if a parent has already written the information down for them.



This year students can expect homework in the areas of reading, spelling and math and some special projects. As well, work will be sent home if a reasonable time has been given in class and the work remains incomplete. Assignments are usually due the next day if not specified. Homework notices will come home if your child is having difficulty returning any work assigned and a meeting can be set up if necessary. If your child is spending more than 30 minutes every night on homework and it is becoming a problem please do not hesitate to contact me and we will work together to solve the issue. Communication in this area is very important, so please encourage your child to ask for clarification if more information is needed or if more teaching is required to better understand the big idea or concept being taught.


Math Drills:

Nightly practice on math facts will be encouraged this year.  For the first couple months, the focus will be a review of addition up to 10+10, then moving into times tables.  There are many ways to build fluency with math facts, including flash cards, dice, board games, and electronic games, and each child’s preference will be different.  Making the practice as enjoyable as possible, such as playing with a parent, will help to maintain focus and yield positive results.  5 minutes practice per night is often enough time, and is more effective than 30 minutes on one night only.  Some time will be set aside most days for various forms of math fact practice.


Home Reading:

Home Reading is an expectation in Grade 3. All students in Grade 3 are encouraged to participate in our class reading program reading nightly and filling in some comprehension/critical thinking questions from time to time. The students are encouraged to read Fiction and Non-Fiction books. This program will be up and running by the end of September. Look for the reminder in your child’s planner in the coming weeks.  



The Spelling words and written assignment are given on Mondays and due on Thursdays with the test/pretests on Fridays. Short weeks (weeks with Professional Days, holidays, etc.) will be review weeks and no assignments. This program will start up next week.


French:  with Mme. LaFlamme on Tuesday and Friday (they can take their duo tangs home for extra practice – but must remember to have it at school for these class days).


Music: Thursday and Friday (with Mr. Band)

Recycling in the school:

This year each class is once again equipped with recycling bins: for waste, paper, food and recyclable drink containers. We will be teaching and encouraging the children to put items in the correct bins and hope that you will help to make this process a little easier by providing containers for sandwiches when possible and encouraging your child to take home any uneaten food. Any plastic items and containers will be sent home for you to recycle as we are not set up at school for this task.  

Just a few more items:

All student items are to be clearly labeled with your child’s names. Initials are okay, but do make if difficult when there are multiple students with the same initials (i.e., SM).


Our Archdiocesan theme this year is ‘Walk with Jesus Our Living Hope’ and we are looking forward to unpacking this theme all year as we take a step in our faith growing closer to our Lord. 


We look forward to working with you throughout the year to ensure a successful year for your child. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me before or after school hours, or via email at . Be sure to also take a look at our class website, via the school website for updates on class information, due dates and more.

 God bless!




Michael Mak