Gala Crafts and Video Permission


Preparations are underway for making the best of a unique year for our Gala. I wish to thank our parents who have worked so hard on preparations, including the work being done on the student crafts. I am writing to you today regarding how crafts will be made this year and how we will share this experience with everyone.

As you know we have strict measures in place here at school to prevent our students from coming into close contact with people (especially adults) from outside of their classes. In the few situations when we have had outside adults working with our students, they have maintained two metres distance, worn masks, and stayed in very well-ventilated areas i.e. the soccer field.

Our Gala students crafts will require help from volunteer parents, but will only take place with strict protocols in place. We are hoping to prepare the crafts outside under a tent and always maintain 2m distance and wear masks.

To make the experience of the online Gala more fun and personal, a video is being made of the students creating the crafts which will be shared as a part of the online presentation. If for any reason you do not wish for your child to appear in the video, please advise your child’s classroom teacher and they will be sure to keep your child out of the pictures.

Thank you for your continued support of our school and I look forward to the success of the upcoming Gala.


Mr. Jason Borkowski
