Foundation Skills Assessment

Parents of Grades 4 and 7 Students,

Over the next few weeks, students in Grades 4 and 7 will participate in the provincial Foundation Skills Assessment. This is a series of online and written tasks that help the provincial government ascertain what areas the school system is thriving in and what areas need improvement. Parents will receive a copy of the results for their child. These results are not part of the regular assessment and reporting cycle that we use throughout the year and will not impact your child’s progress report.

Although some students experience anxiety at the very idea of a “test”, we will keep this activity as stress free as possible. It is also important to learn how to take a test, so this is practice for more of the types of assessments the students will be getting as they get older. Our students always do well and learn from the experience.

Please check out information for parents below and let me or your classroom teachers know if you have any questions.


Mr. Jason Borkowski
