February Fun!

Valentine’s Day was filled with all kinds of love!

Students had a great time decorating their mailboxes and passing out valentines.

Valentine Art & Catholic Schools Week

Students had a great time creating this project. They used sign language and at least three other languages to say, “I Love You."

Catholic Schools Week was amazing! It all began with an outstanding Open House. It was a great success!

We all had the opportunity to reflect on how lucky we are to learn and teach at a Catholic School.

Our Assembly was outstanding! Our class proclaimed the Gospel message with enthusiasm and pride.

The assembly was about Lent and about the Transfiguration of Jesus. Take a look at our slideshow.

100’s Day!

I can’t believe we have already been in school for 100 days! Students made creations together using 100 items.

The Sacrament of Reconciliation

Students learned all about this lovely Sacrament. They felt the peace and forgiveness the Sacrament provides. Parents were fully engaged in their child’s faith development. They attended parent meetings and help their child reflect through the Gold Book Journal activities.

Grade 2Maria Allen