February Days in Grade 2

February has been a month filled with thoughtful lessons surrounding feelings and emotions. A lot of time has been spent talking about and reflecting on the thoughts, concerns, and worries that have been on these Grade 2 minds lately. Life has been challenging these days for children and having the time to address these issues has been very beneficial. Naming, reflecting, taking action, and developing strategies to help with the complexities of everyday life has been a main focus. Take a look at all the work these Grade 2 students have done to help themselves to find peace and joy even in times of struggle.

Our Sacramental Mass theme, “Fixing Broken Hearts”, coincided with the students studying and receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Their nervous energy quickly transformed into such a peaceful and happy energy once they had completed this very special Sacrament.

The Calm Corner

A new space has been created in our classroom. The calm corner is designed to help students recognize, name, reflect, and utilize tools to help them return to a focused and peaceful state of mind. Take a look.

Kindness Day Art & Photos

Reflection Duo-tang

A place for students to think and reflect.

Mystery Heart Fun!

The Mystery Heart Project was a giant lovely success! The hearts are all amazing and so unique!

The guessing game was super fun.

Maria Allen