Exciting Announcement About Kindergarten Next Year

Parents and Friends of Star of the Sea School,

I am happy to let you know that our school is growing in leaps and bounds. Our reputation is spreading throughout South Surrey and we have more applications than ever! Thank you to everyone who has done their part to make our school a wonderful place to work, pray, play, and learn. I wish to also thank everyone who has spread the good word about the work our students and teachers are doing everyday. Please keep it up!

This year we received a record number of applications for Kindergarten (over 100). As always, we try to balance the needs of the community for Catholic education with a realistic understanding of how many students can be properly accommodated in a Kindergarten classroom. Our school has taken as many as 27 Kindergarteners per class in the past.

While we have always found a way to make it work in a positive way, large Kindergarten classes are a challenge. In response to the great demand and the noticeably growing needs of students, we are excited to announce that we have accepted 60 Kindergarten students for next year and will have them in 3 classes. Yes, that means we will have Kindergarten classes of just 20. It is our hope and expectation that this year of increased attention and opportunity will bear great fruit and make for an easier transition to our usual class size in Grade 1.

The new Kindergarten class will necessitate taking over the classroom space currently occupied by the YMCA Before and After School Care Program. This program will be moved to another, larger space in the school and will likely be able to accommodate even more families.

This is all great news for our school and our students. Thank you for your continued support.


Mr. Jason Borkowski


AnnouncementsJason Borkowski