Electronic Devices (including SmartWatches) at School

Taken From Parent Handbook 17.5 Mobile Phones & Electronic Devices

Regarding Personal Electronic Devices, including Smart Watches with the capacity to connect to the internet via wifi or cellular data…

At Star of the Sea, it is preferred that such devices not be brought to school if possible. However, if it is critical that a child be in possession of a mobile phone or other portable electronic device at school, it must be powered off at all times during school hours and while under school supervision. If a child needs to use their mobile phone, they must ask permission from a staff member and use the device in the presence of the staff member. Once the call is complete, the device must be powered off and returned to the child’s bag. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action and confiscation of the device for the day.

The school office is open from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm and students needing use of a phone are able to inquire at the office.