Do Not Be Afraid to Give Your Time To Christ! - St. Pope John Paul II

Dear Parents,

             In my family Sunday was especially important for us not only because we went to church, with our good shoes polished and our dress clothes neatly ironed, but it was also the day when we had the best dinner of the week. We had to help in the preparation, the serving, and the tidying up, and we could never miss for any other than a very serious reason.  It was a command appearance for the whole family. It was also the meal that our grandparents or other relatives would be invited, which often required a second table and folding chairs extending into the living room. It was a solemn family occasion with 6 o’clock the set time for saying grace as the official start to the feast we all loved.

            Sunday Mass in the Catholic Faith is the gathering on the Lord’s Day of the family of faith, centered on the altar and with several of the faithful helping to make the celebration go well. There is music and song, prayer and supplication, listening and reflecting on God’s sacred Word, with the elements of bread and wine consecrated by the priest so that we may be in communion with one another and with God. And we don’t miss without a serious reason. We’re reminded to attend with an attitude that this gathering is a “dress up” kind of occasion in which we welcome guests, new members, and the usual friendly faces that make up our parish family. This act of worship is the best prayer of our week.

            Pope John Paul II wrote in his Apostolic Letter “Dies Domini” that ”Sunday is a day which is at the very heart of the Christian life.” He went on to describe the challenges facing parents when “the weekend” is the time for recreation and sport and time for God is put aside for the sake of the children’s sporting activities. And not only parents with children, but young people everywhere who give a lot of time to the social and sporting activities of “the weekend.” The Holy Father challenged everyone: “Do not be afraid to give your time to Christ!”

            We have several Mass times for the convenience of the faithful and in BC we’re fortunate to have a Catholic church in almost every city and town, with google able to tell us where they are located and what times they have Mass. I hope you will be careful to teach your children that we always make time for God on the weekend.

            Bless you for bringing your children to Sunday Mass.

Fr. Dion

AnnouncementsJason Borkowski