COVID Safety Reminders

Families of Star of the Sea School,

We are now more than two months into the school year and have had time to experience life in the midst of a pandemic.  I am happy to report that the re-opening of full-time, on-site instruction, has been a success.  I am grateful for the cooperation and diligence of all members of our community; staff, parents, and students.  We have been blessed so far to have had no reported exposures in our school community.

At this point in time I feel like it is important to revisit our COVID Safety Plan and issue some important reminders:

Morning Drop-Off and Afternoon Pickup

1.      When using the drop-off zone, please pull as far forward as possible.  While it is more convenient for your child if you drop them off right next to the gate, it causes traffic on local streets and lengthens the time it takes for other families to be able to safely drop off their children.

2.     If you get out of your vehicle during drop-off or pick-up, please allow 2m distance between yourselves and other families and/or wear a mask.  Everyone has different comfort levels and it is best to be gracious and considerate of the most concerned in our community.

3.     During school we do our best to keep class cohorts separate.  We ask that you do the same when in the parking lot or on the grass near the church.  It is understood that children in the same family will play together, but try to limit it to family while on school grounds.

Personal Protective Equipment

Thank you for making sure your children have a mask at school at all times.  While using it is optional, it is good to have one on hand in case it is needed. Children were provided two re-usable masks in September. Disposable masks are available for students at the office if needed.

Keeping Students Home When Sick 

Thank you for your diligence in keeping children home when sick.  Overall, our attendance numbers show about the same number of absences as usual.  I think this is due to two things:  a) fewer children catching general illnesses due to masks, distancing, cleaning, and hand-washing practices and b) parents keeping children home more often than before with even minor symptoms.   Please continue to keep children home when they are sick.

Changing Dismissal Time

Though it is a relatively minor change that won’t effect most people, we are going to start bringing the students out for dismissal at 2:50pm, rather than 2:45pm.

Thank you for your continued diligence and prayers for a safe and fulfilling school year.


Mr. Jason Borkowski
