Christmas Message from Mr. Borkowski

A Message of Rest, Family, and the Blessed Birth of Jesus
Dear Star of the Sea School community,

In a world that often feels fast-paced and relentlessly busy, this holiday season brings a precious opportunity to embrace rest, cherish time with family, and reflect upon the profound significance of the birth of Jesus.

Rest is a gift that we often overlook in our daily lives. In the hustle and bustle of our routines, we forget to nourish our souls with quiet moments of rejuvenation. Christmas, however, gently reminds us to pause and inhale the tranquility of the season. Whether it is snuggling up with a good book, going for a leisurely stroll in nature, or simply closing our eyes and finding solace in stillness, let us embrace this chance to replenish our spirits and gather strength for the year ahead.

In the midst of our restful interludes, let us also come together as families, bonding over shared laughter, memories, and love. Christmas serves as a beacon, beckoning us to reconnect with our loved ones and cherish the precious moments we have with them. As we exchange thoughtful gifts, savor hearty meals, and engage in lively conversations, may we remember that the true joy of this season lies in the exquisitely woven tapestry of our family bonds. Let us be present, listening, supporting, and cherishing shared experiences that weave the fabric of our lives.

Above all, let us rejoice in the miraculous birth of Jesus, the true reason for the season. The humble manger in Bethlehem is a reminder that amidst the wonders and challenges of life, there is hope, love, and a divine purpose. In the arrival of the newborn Jesus, we find redemption and a beacon of light amid darkness. His birth calls us to embrace kindness, compassion, and forgiveness in our daily interactions with others. As we gather around nativity scenes and sing enchanting carols, let us fill our hearts with gratitude for the gift of Jesus—the ultimate source of strength, love, and eternal hope.

On behalf of the Star of the Sea School community, may this Christmas season bring you a deep sense of peace, a renewed appreciation for the restorative power of family, and gratitude for the miraculous birth of Jesus.

Mr. Borkowski

AnnouncementsJason Borkowski