Changes in Gr. 2A

Parents of Gr. 2A,

I am writing today to inform you of a change in Grade 2A.

Mrs. Kerr, who has been your child’s classroom teacher on Tuesdays and Thursday, has moved to work in our Learning Support Department.

Mrs. Sara Wynne, who had been your child’s classroom teacher on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, will now teach the class full time.

This change was necessitated by a series of dominoes of changes across the school. We have had staff members go on medical leave (non-Covid related), changing grades to fill in, and adapting to meet the needs of students. Covid protocols have made STEM classes in the Learning Commons impossible for now, allowing Mrs. Wynne to take on a greater role in the classroom.

I wish to thank both Mrs. Kerr and Mrs. Wynne for their flexibility and dedication to the students. I am confident that Mrs. Wynne will continue to the high level of quality teaching in Grade 2A and Mrs. Kerr will contribute greatly to helping students requiring Learning Support.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.


Mr. Jason Borkowski


Jason Borkowski