Change to Morning Drop Off Traffic Routine
In my 26 years as a teacher and administrator, I have yet to see a school drop-off zone that runs perfectly all the time. Dropping off 470 children within a 20-minute window is no small feat! The good news is that despite long lines and the occasional creative driving, our parking lot has remained as safe as possible. That said, there’s always room for improvement.
One key area we’ll be focusing on after Spring Break is the drop-off lane. Currently, cars are pulling in and out as spots open up, which creates congestion and unsafe merging. Vehicles trying to exit the lane after drop-off are often blocked by others attempting to enter, leading to frustrating and inefficient traffic flow.
To improve this, we will be installing delineators to ensure that vehicles using the drop-off lane (the right lane along the field) must remain in that lane until they reach the exit. The left lane will be reserved for those parking in the "back-in only" spots or for drive-through traffic. If you choose the left lane, you must either park or continue driving through—you will not be able to merge into the drop-off lane after passing the entrance at the top.
We will monitor the impacts of this change and see how it works for a few weeks.
Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we make this process smoother and safer for everyone! We will monitor the impacts of this change and see how it works.
Mr. Borkowski