Girls Soccer 2025 Information & Permission Form
Please complete this SOCCER PERMISSION FORM by Monday, March 3 @ 3 pm
If your daughter in grades 4-7 is interested in joining the 2025 school soccer team, please complete this form by Monday, March 3, 2025 (3 pm).
This is a very short season. We need committed players who will be at all practices and games, start to finish.
1. Ability to attend most practices and games.
2. Rides to and from games are to be arranged by parents.
3. Consistent effort and attention to all school work.
4. Wear the correct soccer uniform to all practices and games, including PE shorts, PE t-shirt and jersey (provided by the school for games). Please provide cleats, soccer socks (blue or white) and shin pads to be worn to all games and practices.
5. Positive, sporting-conduct towards coaches, referees and players.
Important Information:
Practices for all teams will be held at Star of the Sea field on Mondays, beginning on March 3rd from 3-4:15 pm.
The season (games) will begin the week of March 31 and finish by the end of April. Playoffs (qualification required) will be held April 30th.
Consult this calendar for practice and game schedule and details.