Star of the Sea Catholic School Basketball 2023-24 Season

Dear Parents,

Welcome to basketball season! We have finalized the practice schedules starting the week of November 20th. Practice times are separated into “Before Christmas Break” and “After Christmas Break”. See all practice times HERE and below.

Complete game schedules will be available by December 20, 2023.

All confirmed practices and games are also added to the school calendar.

Please remember that the boys and girls MUST be in full gym strip with proper runners (no skateboard shoes) at all practices and games. Socks must be white or black/navy blue. Socks that are not school colours are not permitted. Game jerseys can be worn for practices, as well.

For all games, each player must play one quarter and sit one full quarter. It will be at the coach’s discretion which players will play more than one quarter. This will often depend on the attendance of players at practices.

Please note that coaches and referees have the discretion to remove players from the court or shorten their playing time if the players pose behaviour concerns.

Expected Behaviour:

  • Positive language / cheering

  • Encouraging your teammates

  • Respect for opponents, sportsmanship

  • Proper uniform for games and practices (see above)

  • Listening and respecting coaches during practices and games. Coaches have the discretion to site players based on behaviour.

  • Respect for the referees and score/timekeepers (please note that parents are not permitted to speak to the scorekeepers).

  • There will be zero tolerance for players, coaches and parents who argue with the referee. Referees are permitted to call technical fouls and/or game ejections for players and coaches, and are permitted to remove parents from the gym who do not follow the list of expected behaviours.

For your reference, please review our Athletics Guiding Principles

At this time, the number of teams has not been set. We will have a better idea of how many teams we will have after permission forms have been collected.

Practices before the Christmas Break will be “getting to know you” practice sessions. This time will allow coaches to evenly divide teams in Grades 5 and 6. In grade 7, if numbers allow, athletes will be divided into league and development teams.

Grades 5 & 6: Volleyball, Basketball and Soccer have sport specific minimum and maximum roster size. In some cases, we may have too many athletes for one team in a grade. When there are two teams, every effort will be made to have two balanced rosters.

Grade 7: As athletes get closer to high school, the level of competition and the expectation of skill development increase both at our own school and across the CISVA. For grade 7 sports only, if there are too many athletes for a single team, coaches may split the teams into a “competitive” team and a “participation” team.

If your child will not be able to make a game or practice, please notify the coaches on the day before so that we can properly plan.  

Parents are responsible for organizing rides to and from games and tournaments.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Pasta.


Grade 5 Girls: Mr. Mak, Ms. Telan
Grade 5 Boys: Mr. Ufford, Mr. Iannuzzi (teacher sponsor TBA)
Grade 6 Girls: Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Dadson
Grade 6 Boys: Mr. Dieleman, Mr. Martin, Mr. Cristiano, Mrs. Cristiano
Grade 7 Girls: Mr. Borkowski, Mr. Iannuzzi, Mr. Olson
Grade 7 Boys: Mr. Payne, Mr. Pasta

DEADLINE to submit the permission form is: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 21