An Invitation to Synodality

Parents and Friends of Star of the Sea School,

Over the past three weeks, we have included in the bulletin announcements on the Synod that has been called for by Pope Francis with the theme, “For a synodal Church: Communion, Participation and Mission.” I am inviting you, and encourage you, to please sign up to participate in one of the upcoming Listening Sessions.

These sessions are at Good Shepherd Church on:




FRI. MARCH 11 @ 10AM


SAT. MARCH 19 @ 10AM

Call the Parish Office to sign up.

This Synod is an opportunity for Catholics to dialogue and discern how the Holy Spirit is inviting us to journey together as a Church. Reflect on these topics of a Listening Session: 

  • What helps or prevents you from being active in the Church’s mission?

  • What areas of the Church’s mission are we missing or neglecting?

  • What particular issues in the Church do we need to pay more attention to?

  • What particular issues in society do we need to pay more attention to?

  • How can the local church better participate in the process of Truth and Reconciliation?

This is about listening to the experience of your conversation partners. It is not about debate or listening in order to respond, it is about a deep and thorough listening in order to understand, to learn from each other’s experience.

“The Synodal Process is first and foremost a spiritual process. It is not a mechanical data-gathering exercise or a series of meetings and debates. Synodal listening is oriented towards discernment…to discern what God is saying to all of us."  From the Synod Vademecum, Section 2.2.

For our parish, this Synodal Process is a new opportunity to walk together, listen to one another in charity, and to hear what is on the hearts of our brothers and sisters. It is a chance to gather in community, and to learn synodality!

In Christ,

Fr. Glenn Dion

AnnouncementsJason Borkowski