All About Me Presentations

The “All About Me Presentations” were amazing! Students had the opportunity to share items that helped to describe themselves. It was impressive how confident and well spoken everyone was. After the presentation each student received three questions and one compliment. It was a fantastic way for all of us to get to know each other better!

After the presentations, students had the chance to get a “close up” of the items brought in. This encouraged more discussions between classmates.

Looking forward to October, students will have the opportunity to share a talent. We spoke in class today about the God-given talents each of us possess. This conversation inspired us to discuss our talents with others. Then, we decided it would be fun to showcase our talents. Here are some ideas our class came up with today: playing a musical instrument, sharing an original painting or drawing, gymnastic routine, a skill from a sport, singing, or dancing. We are all very excited to see and share the talents God gave to us. 

Grade 2Maria Allen